Interview Questions

C Pgm - General Questions

C Programming Interview Questions

General Questions IV

C Program - General Questions

  • How will you print “Hello World” without semicolon?
  • What are different storage class specifiers in C?
  • What is scope of a variable? How are variables scoped in C?
  • When should we use pointers in a C program?
  • What is NULL pointer?
  • What is Dangling pointer?
  • What is memory leak? Why it should be avoided
  • What are static functions? What is their use?
  • How many parameters should a function have?
  • What is a static function?
  • Should a function contain a return statement if it does not return a value?
  • How can you pass an array to a function by value?
  • Is it possible to execute code even after the program exits the main() function?
  • The standard C library provides a function named atexit() that can be used to perform "cleanup" operations when your program terminates.
  • What does a function declared as PASCAL do differently?
  • Differentiate exit(), return, break..?
  • What is the difference between a string copy (strcpy) and a memory copy (memcpy)? When
  • should each be used?
  • How can I remove the trailing spaces from a string?
  • How can I remove the leading spaces from a string?
  • How can I convert a number to a string?
  • How can I convert a string to a number?
  • What is “##” operator in C?
  • What is the use of “#define” in C?
  • How will you check whether macro is defined or not in a C program?
  • What is the difference between memcpy() and memmove() functions in C?
  • What is void pointer in C?
  • What is wild pointer in C?
  • What is file pointer in C?
  • What is const pointer in C?
  • What is the difference between null and zero?
  • What is the difference between null pointer and uninitialized pointer in C?
  • What happens when we try to access null pointer in C?
  • What is meant by segmentation fault or memory fault in C?
  • What is meant by core dump in C?
  • Can a pointer be freed more than once in C? What happens if we do so? Or can a pointer be freed twice in C?
  • Can variable name be start with underscore in C?
  • What is inline function in C?
  • What is extern and static function in C?
  • Explain storage class in c
  • How will you swap 2 variables without using temp variable in C?
  • What is operator precedence in C?
  • What is the use of bit field in C?
  • What is bus error in C?
  • Is it possible to reduce executable file size in C and how?
  • What is stack memory in C?
  • What is heap memory in C?
  • In which memory, local variables are stored in C?
  • In which memory, malloc(), calloc() ( dynamic memory functions ) are stored in C?
  • While passing an array to a function as an argument, what actually is passed?
  • What is high order and low order bytes in C?
  • What is the maximum number of arguments that can be passed to a function?
  • Do you know why is semicolon used at the end of each line in C programs?
  • Explain the # pragma directive.

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