Interview Questions

LDD - Memory Management

Linux Device Driver - Interview Questions

LDD - Memory Management

Linux Memory Management Interview Questions

  • When is that we we want to use "user virtual address" instead of "kernel virtual address"?
  • List some situations when we cannot go with kernel virtual address.?
  • How mb differ from wmb in Linux? Is mb equal to wmb & rmb ?
  • how to manage memory in linux kernel?
  • what is bus error? common causes of bus errors?
  • what is memory leak ?
  • Write code for page fault handler in Linux
  • What is cache ? How it is used and mapped the physical address cache and virtual address cache ?
  • DMA controller.
  • Write a pseudo code for page fault handler.
  • What is virtual memory ? What is the pre-requisite in hardware for supporting virtual memory ?
  • What are the differences between vmalloc and kmalloc? Which is preferred to use in device drivers?
  • What are the differences between slab allocator and slub allocator?
  • What is boot memory allocator?
  • How do you reserve block of memory?
  • What is virtual memory and what are the advanatages of using virtual memory?
  • What's paging and swapping?
  • Is it better to enable swapping in embedded systems? and why?
  • What is the page size in Linux kernel in case of 32-bit ARM architecture?
  • What is page frame?
  • What are the different memory zones and why does different zones exist?
  • What is high memory and when is it needed?
  • Why is high memory zone not needed in case of 64-bit machine?
  • How to allocate a page frame from high memory?
  • In ARM, an abort exception if generated, if the page table doesn't contain a virtual to physical map for a particular page. How exactly does the MMU know that a virtual to physical map is present in the pagetable or not?
  • What's a segementation fault and what are the scenarios in which segmentation fault is triggered?
  • If the scenarios which triggers the segmentation fault has occurred, how the kernel identifies it and what
  • are the actions that the kernel takes?
  • memory leak deduction and various ways of handling
  • How to write own malloc call
  • About memory mapped files
  • what is cache coherence?
  • what is protection mechanism?
  • what is DMA?
  • what is a page fault?
  • What is page write back?
  • why not directly the physical address?
  • What is MMU?
  • Memory map of RAM
  • When cahche is enabled in a operating system ,DMA is enabled,how does DMA access the cache?
  • Explane MM - Segmentation, paging, swapping
  • Paging vs swapping
  • Different segments in a program
  • Does linux use segmentation
  • Memory alloc in linux - kmalloc vs vmalloc
  • Physical Virtual and logical addresses
  • Thrashing
  • What is DMA. Modes - cycle stealing/burst (blk transfer)/transparent
  • Cache coherency during dma. Which component handles it
  • Explain MMU in Linux
  • What is concept of virtual address or physical address?
  • what is the entry points in kernel?
  • how to create a major number dynamically?
  • Diff of Kmalloc and Vmalloc
  • How Memory Management works in KERNEL?(In total about Kernel Memory management)
  • What are the possible ways that memory leaks can happen in a program ?(Apart from allocation and not freeing )
  • How a memory leak can happen in a linked list?
  • What is the difference between kmalloc and vmalloc?
  • how to get physically contiguousness memory allocation if kmalloc is giving logical contiguousness allocations?
  • How do a driver get registered to kernel?
  • What is page fault? How page fault exception raises?
  • Tell about the Memory Layout of a Process in Linux .
  • How will you trace the system calls made into the kernel of lInux ?
  • What is mmap ? MMAP & malloc ? MMAP & brk ? MMAP adv & dis-adv.
  • Tell the relation between Malloc and MMAP
  • Advantages of MMAP over Read ?
  • Tell the role of brk() in malloc / Tell the relation between heap and brk?
  • Example of using MMAP and MUNMAP in C ?
  • Tell about the method/steps in Linux Kernel Compilation.
  • What is Kmalloc and how does it differ from normal malloc ? or Why can't we use malloc in kernel code ?

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